Dudu-Shea 100ml- reine afrikanische Sheabutter Natur-Creme

Dudu-Shea 100ml- reine afrikanische Sheabutter Natur-Creme

21.10 EUR
Dudu-Shea® - reine afrikanische Sheabutter Natur-Creme 100ml.
Sacred Sandalwood

Sacred Sandalwood

161.99 EUR
Sacred Sandalwood essential oil provides an uplifting, warm and sweet aroma, whilst offering a variety of benefits to your skin. Sandalwood is a popular base note in many perfumes and fragrances. Its distinctly warm and woody aroma is the perfect complement to pampering spa treatments, relaxation time, yoga, and meditation.
15% discount valid from 16.09.20 up to and including 30.09.2020 V6 mixed oil 236ML

15% discount valid from 16.09.20 up to and including 30.09.2020 V6 mixed oil 236ML

49.99 EUR
Neutral light body or massage oil, mix with yours favorite essential oil and your body oil is unique.
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